Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tribute Song to Jewish Fathers

Parenting can be challenging enough, but even more so for those who are serving their county.
In honor of that sacrifice, the IDF’s Widows and Orphans Organization recently recorded a moving tribute, titled “Abba,” or “Father,” featuring famed Israeli singer Shlomi Shabat.
Watch the video above and read the translated lyrics below:
Dad, a friend told me to write a song about you
About everything I saw you in your face
About the peace without the words
The scents and sounds
Everything was so beautiful in your eyes
Dad, remember the paths to school
All the tunes from the room
When you listened to how I sing
With a happy face
And smile hidden in your lips
Dad, all the ways you tried to encourage
I went and tried to win
Not always understanding how
Because not everything goes the right way
I am different from you but so much like you
Dad, the old house is long gone
We moved, progress, changes
And filled in the void
With more similar faces
What everyone thought they lacked
Father, the time has passed and we did not talk
Father, forgive me
It took me a while to figure it out – you belong to me
As much as I belong to you
As much as I Love You
Let’s not keep things inside anymore and just talk
Dad, a friend told me to write a song about you

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