Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Grief in Losing Our Children

I just heard Janet Parshall lost her son to complications of cancer.
He leaves behind a wife and 3 children. The grief they must all experiencing is beyond words.
Janet considered a well-known christian, taking a stand against injustice and wrong happening in the world around us. I don't know her well but in years past used to listen to some of her programs.

I am forced again to deal with the grief at the loss of Jacinta.
Even though she was conceived out of ill circumstances and many would have aborted her, I chose to give her life.

She was the best and most beautiful Christmas present I ever received from God. This year I didn't talk about her much but felt my loss of her again. I reasoned who'd want to hear about it anyhow.

I pray the Parshall's don't do as I have done in keeping it to themselves.
I pray God bring people around them to be God's arms and words of comfort.

One never really gets over the loss of your child but we can have opportunity to heal from the pain as days and years go by. I think at times I've delayed my healing because I didn't want to feel the pain of her loss.

I'm thankful for those who stood with me and cared even though miles separated us. Those who felt like Jacinta was such a part of their lives. Hugs and much love to you.
I'm even thankful for those few who blamed me for her loss and dropped me like a hot potato.
They pushed me to trust Y'shua even more!

I remember every time I go out to do chores in the cold of wrapping her warm in my winter shawl, milking the cows and feeding all the animals.

One of the downfalls of living remote is in an emergency one can't always get to medical help in time. Jacinta suffered from respiratory distress and I couldn't get to a hospital in time nor could I do anything to save her.

I have come to terms with blaming myself as many probably go through when they can't do enough for those they love. Today I hold her memories of her smile, her laugh,her young brilliance dear to my heart.  I will probably even use the pictures of her room again on one of my websites.

In days to come even attempting to get to a hospital, let alone having insurance or even wanting to go to a place that could result in jeopardizing staying free and safe would be insane.
In that sense I'm thankful she's with the Lord and not here to deal with the garbage.

As Paul said, it was better to be with the Lord if having a choice. Well Jacinta didn't have a choice as probably Janet's son didn't but Jacinta and Janet's son are spared the chaos to come. (2 Cor.5:1-8)

There are times I hate my humanness in the sense I get so consumed with how things hurt and it bows me over for a time.

I've come a long way with knowing how valuable I am today so I will cherish whom Y'shua has made me and where He's brought me.

How about you? Have you suffered losses~a child, parent, brother, sister, a friend, a job...? Are you allowing yourself to heal?

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