Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Last Outdoor JewishWedding/ Dance and Catering for the Season

It's now fall and cooler weather. The last Jewish wedding where we dance/teach others jewish dance as well as cater the all jewish food is finished.
I haven't had a lot of weddings lately. Probably due to not fitting in with many messianic communities that are more cultish than following our Lord.
By the way are there any who consider themselves messianic who truly follow Biblical principles and not beat others with hatred and the law??

I'm working on the website and will again have one up and running. I will be slow at first but offering a combination of mostly jewish but also non-jewish as well. Items such as matza bread, worship tabrets, dance attire, worship flags, menorahs, kippas, clothing and tons more.

As for the blog, I will be sharing my thoughts, products, pictures and will again began attempting to write what brings my life to a place of staying in the arms of Abba.  I attempted to share several months ago and it just wasn't time and very difficult. Now the time is nearing. Thank you Abba!
Coming from a place of an ultra orthodox women whose life was completely defined by the law of Torah. Yet I had a love for Abba that was dear and kept me going in a marriage to a jewish man who converted to islam and gave himself over to total evilness.
I have no desire to publish a book but rather to stay in somewhat obscurity and yet hope to help others who have walked and lived where I do.
Many don't want to hear the ugliness of islam and it's easier to just share the news clips and stay unattached. It's everyone's prerogative to do as they please no doubt.
There is still a lingering fear of retaliation and memories of the hell I lived out.
Enough of that for now and soon will begin in tidbits to share more.


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