Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Community Page Temporarily Down: Please See The Blogs

I've temporarily taken down the page for the community while I do some changes.The blogs are all on site and I will be incorporating the information for now into them. If anyone believes they have some good information to share on any of the blogs, I'd love add you as an author. I will be adding a sign up form for contributors soon. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

the algemeiner: Washington Post: Shifa Hospital in Gaza City ‘Has Become a De Facto Headquarters for Hamas Leaders, Who Can Be Seen in Hallways and Offices’

A screenshot of a Hamas diagram, filmed as part of an IDF video from 2009's Operation Cast Lead, showing how weapons are hidden by mosques. Photo: IDF / Screenshot.
A screenshot of a Hamas diagram, filmed as part of an IDF video from 2009's Operation Cast Lead, showing how weapons are hidden by mosques. Photo: IDF / Screenshot.
Contrary to international rules of warfare, Hamas has commandeered a large hospital in Gaza City as its “de facto headquarters,” the Washington Post reported.
Buried eight paragraphs in, The Post‘s correspondent, William Booth, wrote on July 15:
“At the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, crowds gathered to throw shoes and eggs at the Palestinian Authority’s health minister, who represents the crumbling ‘unity government’ in the West Bank city of Ramallah. The minister was turned away before he reached the hospital, which has become a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices.”
Last week, The Post also reported, and also included near the end of an article, how Hamas was hiding rockets inside of a mosque, also against international rules of war. On Friday, buried toward’s the end of The Post’s dispatch from the front, one of its correspondents reported actually seeing rockets being moved into the mosque during Thursday’s five-hour humanitarian ceasefire:
“During the lull, a group of men at a mosque in northern Gaza said they had returned to clean up the green glass from windows shattered in the previous day’s bombardment. But they could be seen moving small rockets into the mosque.”
According to international rules of military engagement,  civilian public and religious buildings cannot to be used to shield weapons, but that has been a long-held Hamas tactic in Gaza.
On Thursday, UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, said it discovered 20 rockets hidden in a vacant school it operated in Gaza.
UNRWA said the rockets were discovered during a “regular inspection” and that it immediately “informed the relevant parties and successfully took all necessary measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school.”
The UNRWA came under criticism on social media for handing the rockets back to the “relevant parties,” who readers interpreted as being the Hamas militants who hid the arms in the school.

Jewish Owned Stores Burned to the Ground, Synagogue Firebombed in ‘Paris Intifada’ (VIDEO)

 "Hilter was right", one man screams. It seems more and more that Mohammad's affiliation and commaradre with Hilter had a major influence on destroying the Jewish people. Definitely more than any false god they claim gave them quran.

A Jewish-owned pharmacy was burned to a shell.  For the second straight day on Sunday anti-Jewish rioters defied a protest ban in Paris to rampage in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Sarcelles in what one police official called the “Paris Intifada.” Hundreds of mostly Arab and North African youths marched through the streets wielding bars and clubs while shouting, “Death to Israel.” The neighborhood’s main kosher grocery Naouri was burned to a shell as was a local Jewish owned pharmacy. The nearby synagogue in Garges was firebombed, but little damage was done. Riot police attempted to disperse protesters and block access to another synagogue in Sarcelles and a few dozen Jewish vigilantes gathered nearby. Journalists were assaulted and some police officers were injured by the rioters, France’s Le Figaro reported. “I live in Garges, near the synagogue, but I’m afraid to go home,” a young woman told the newspaper. Kosher deli Naouri was shuttered on Monday after being burned on Sunday. Photo: Algemeiner. “We are seeing real scenes of urban guerrilla warfare,” Thierry Maze, a local law enforcement officer, told Le Figaro. Multiple Jewish individuals living in the neighborhood, which was compared by one to Brooklyn’s Borough Park for the density of its Jewish population, told The Algemeiner that they feared leaving their homes. Sunday’s violence came on the heels of a similar event on Saturday in which 3000 people gathered near the Gare Du Nord train station and began marching up Barbes Boulevard. 14 policemen were injured and 38 arrests were made in the incident. Last Sunday, an anti-Israel demonstration at Paris’s Bastille Square quickly turned violent with protesters seeking out and attacking Jewish targets and screaming “death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right” according to community newspaper, JSS News. “Over the last few days in France are we seeing the beginning of a French Kristallnacht?” French Jewish artist and activist Ron Agam asked, in an interview with The Algemeiner about the violence. In a Facebook post on Monday, France’s former chief rabbi Gilles Berheim called on the French government “not to tolerate this kind of behavior.” “I watched from Israel with great concern and fear the violence that took place in Paris, in Barbes on Saturday and on Sunday in Sarcelles,” he wrote. “While the pretext for these demonstrations was support of Gaza, they are actually anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic demonstrations. This is unspeakable.” A Jewish owned store in Sarcelles was boarded up a day after the riots. Photo: Algemeiner. Rabbi Levy Djian, a French Jewish activist living in New York told The Algemeiner that the series of riots show “we are entering a new era of real fear for the Jewish community of France.” “Last week, in Paris, synagogues were attacked in broad daylight,” Djian said. “In Nice demonstrators screamed: ‘We are all Mohamed Merah’s!’ Then there were the riots in Barbes (Paris’s 18th district) yesterday, and there were the violent demonstrations in Sarcelles on Sunday.” “The fact that the Muslims feel free to act against the police and the government is very alarming because who knows what will happen tomorrow? Many are talking about going to Israel but this can not be the solution to this problem. There are still many Jewish communities in France and it is imperative that they should be safe and feel totally secure.” Roger Cukierman, President of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF), the representative body of French Jewry, warned that further violence could force the community to leave the country. “This new anti-Semitism can lead to the departure of all the Jews,” he said, in an interview with Le Monde Juif. “If Sharia becomes their state religion and we let ourselves be invaded by people who do not respect the government.” “When a demonstration is prohibited it should not happen,” he said. Two more demonstrations have been planned for Wednesday and Saturday, according to local media reports. Watch a video of the aftermath of the riots below:

Friday, July 18, 2014

What's In A Name? I Am Beautiful:No Fear of Crusader Spirit: I Spew Out Self-Righteous Zealots

I appreciate what Ffion has shared in the scribe video she made. She has helped me remember I am beautiful just as I am.

For the 3rd time in life I have hit some major bumps in the road. And once again, after starting life on a whole new and better realm, someone attempts to steal my joy, peace and safety.
 Like the young woman who created the Scribe video, nothing I can say stops things that were said to me and said to others.
1st time a spouse turns to islam and I become in danger for several years. (Understatement) If this person now doing these things has any clue she'd silence her self-righteousness but she hasn't a clue)
2nd time, a man decides to stalk me and then does so with his cyber personality from Philippines.
3rd time is now when supposedly I am not who I say I am, I didn't cooperate with someone's plans and someone has decided to have a personal vendetta against me for something to do.

What's one to do! What would you do?
Well for someone to do this things means they need prayer and still to be loved. But it doesn't mean I have to stay in the fray. I gave up being around controlling people, being afraid or manipulated.

God says He fights my battles for me! And he cares about those in need whoever they are.
He is not requiring the law abiding, chain creating bondage or self-righteousness some suppose.
Rather from Genesis to Revelations His grace and mercy are huge.

Most of all my Abba created me beautiful beyond words in human understanding.

By writing this I could come under further attack but now I have those on my side to battle in God's power and might to handle it. I don't have to figure this out alone.
Thank you David, Joseph, Casey and Online Predator.

I'm tired of running and being afraid. You ever done that or been there? There is help. We are not helpless as some might like us to believe.

Maybe someday I may share some pictures that would shock you but not today. I'm getting braver each day and yet until those who conduct themselves like misbehaving children move on to harass someone else who crosses them (sadly), I won't be sharing such things.

 FYI: With a Tad of sarcasim
To avoid confusion and for those who don't have a clue about hebrew, family lineage, or just self-righteous lurkers, Here's a good start for you.
Which would you find easier to say or spell, english, english variations or do you prefer the hebrew?

Rivkah Kohan translates Cohen or ריווקאַה קאָוכאַן

Rivqa Kohan translates to Cohen or Riva Cohan or ריווקאַ קאָוכאַן

Rebecca Kohan translates Cohen or רעבעקקאַ קאָוכאַן
There are more variations if anyone would like help for the same name in different spelling. :)

By the way if you'd like to make a donation to Garden of Israel you may do so and it's much appreciated. :)

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Israel Strikes 34 Sites in Gaza

Israel struck 34 sites in Gaza overnight, just hours after discovering the bodies of three Israeli teens believed kidnapped by Hamas. “Following over 18 rockets which were fired at Israel since Sunday evening, IAF aircraft carried out a precision strike against 34 targets in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said. “The IDF will continue to act in order to restore the peaceful living to the civilians of the state of Israel . The Hamas terror organization and its extensions are solely responsible for any terror activities emanating from the Gaza Strip,” IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said. According to the reports, one of the areas targeted was a site in the area of Khan Yunis controlled by Hamas’ military wing and the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Four were reported to be wounded. Israel is said to still be considering a larger response.